

Eugene Hön 2018

Curriculum Vitae

Scholarships, Grants & Awards/ Prizesas Scholar at UCT.

•   BA Art Class medal, Studio-work 1981
•   Michaelis Prize, for the best body of work produced by a student in the final year of study. BAFA 1982                                               

Scholarships and awards for MFA at UCT.
•   Coca Cola
•   Irma Stern
•   Hugh and Win Walker
•   UCT Research Scholarship
•   HSRC research scholarship      

Awards whilst at the TWR and UJ (1986-2017)
•   Research Travel Grant 1991. Paris. Foundation for Research Development ( FRD)
•    Merit Cash Bonus TWR, 1994.
•   ResearchTravel Grant TWR/FRD 1996, Art and Design Conference Helsinki, No Guru No Method, Paris 1996.
•   Ceramic Merit Award, Association of Potters of SA  (APSA) 
•   International Ceramics Biennale 1998 Johannesburg, Sandton Civic Art Gallery Exhibition.
•   Research Travel Grant, Doctoral Education in Design, Ohio Conference, 1998 TWR
•   Jewellex Collection Awards 2000 Finalist The Annual Jewellery Council of SA jewellery awards.
•   International Liaison Award (CIA @ TWR) 2003
Trip to India to established links with NIFT, NISTADS and NID.
•  Ceramics SA Regional Awards exhibition. Clay Pot Award.
•   Made a Fellow. Ceramics Southern Africa. September 2010.

Corobrik Collection, South African National Gallery, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Durban Art Gallery, TWR Permanent Collection, Sandton Civic Art Gallery, Constitutional Court of South Africa. Ginsberg Collection. Altech collection and numerous private collections in South Africa, New York, Spain, London and Paris.

•   Lesley Boyd Library for Technology Information, TWR.  Brick murals. Completed in October 1990. Designer and manager of project,
•   Wits Business Person of the Year Award; Trophy year 2000 -2005.  Designer and producer of end product for the University of the Witwatersrand.

Committees, Societies and Professional Bodies

•   Co-Founder of the Craft Council of South African (CCSA) 1990
•   Joint co-ordinator of the CCSA 1991-1995
•   Consultant, FNB Vita Crafts Now Awards Exhibitions 1991- 2001
•   Founder member of the Institute of Contemporary Art. 1992
•   Chairman, South African Ceramic Society Council 1999 – 2000.
•   DTI’s Small Producers Export Council; including the Education and Training Sub-Committee 1999.
•   TWR Art Advisory Committee, Chair 1999 – 2005.
•   TWR, Managements Representative on the Engagement Forum 2001 2004.
•   Technikon / UJ Research Committee 1999- 2006.
•   TWR/UJSpace co-ordinating Committee 2002 – 2006.
•   Johannesburg Art Gallery Committee 1999- 2006.
•   UJ Space Planning Committee 2005 and 2006.
•   UJ Strategic Task Team 2005 and 2006.
•   UJ Disability Committee (Dean’s Representative) 2006.
•   UJ Executive Committee for Quality Assurance - Senate Sub Committee. 2006.

Art Judge, Project Co-ordination and Community Outreach.

•   Co-ordination of FNB Vita Crafts Now competitions since 1991 -2000
•   Africa's Biennale Advisory Committee, Early developments.
•   External Examiner at Technikons, 1992 and 1993and the Free State University of Technology , 2004 and 2005.
•   Arts Alive, Visual Arts Advisory Committee and Consultant.
•   Consulting Editor; Revue Noire, African Contemporary International Art Magazine.
•   Co-ordinator Revue Noire, Issue No 11 South Africa: Visual Art, photography and literature including Sponsorship for the project.
•   Crafts Council, Crafts Alive Fair, Co-ordination Committee 1994.  Museum Africa.
•   Judge of numerous Art and Craft competitions.  Including APSA/CSA, Jewellex, Anglo Gold Regional and National Exhibitions.
•   Craft’s Representative at the Curriculum Policy for Arts Education Seminar.
•   Liberty Life Foundation. Visual Arts; Funding support advisor. 1995-1996
•   SERTEC; National accreditation Committees, Ceramic Design Programmes. Two rounds.
•   Numerous workshops and presentations APSA, Art Historians Associations of SA, Friends of JAG etc.

Publications about my work; Accredited magazines only.

·      2010, Eugene Hon, South African Sculptor. Article by Ingrid Stevens; Ceramics Art and Perception; Volume 81; pages 59 - 63.
·      2011, The Ceramic Surface; A Virtual Crossover; Art South Africa; Volume 11; pages 56 - 57 (December 2011 issue).

Research and Development work

•   Executive Research and Research Committees TWR, 1989 – 2005
•   TWR/ UJ Higher Degrees Committee 2000 - 2006
•   Chairman:  FRD/TWR Technikon Programme Research Task Group.  Strategic Plan specific to the FRD/HSRC. 1996-2001.
•   Referee for Art, Design and Crafts, CSD Centre for Science Development.
•   Activity Leader: Design Materials and Manufacture. TWR/FRD Technikon Program 2000 – 2004
•   DACST, Government Department of Arts and Culture - sponsored Hollow Gold Jewellery Project 1998 – 2005; Design Coordinator with Stefano Ricci; Studio Ricci (Italy).
•   Faculty Representative:  TWR/UJ Research Committee 1994 –2007

Academic career

·      TWR Lecturer 1986-1989. 
•   Programme Leader Ceramic Dept. 1990-1999.
•   HoD, Dept Three Dimensional Design- Jewellery, Industrial design & Ceramics. 1999.
•   Acting Dean, FADA 2000
•   Executive Dean, FADA 2001 - 2006
•    Senior lecturer Design 2007 – 2009
·      Senior Lecturer Jewellery Design and Manufacture 2011 – 2013
·      FADA Art Gallery Director 2014 -

Exhibitions and commissions projects

First solo exhibition. Michaelis School of Fine Art Gallery.
Group show at the Association of Arts Cape Town.
Participated in Volkskas Atelier, Association of Arts. Pretoria

Style Design a Light competition.
 Solo Exhibition, Installation. Ceramic Sculptures, Market Gallery.
Two person Show, Cassirer Fine Art Gallery. Expressive Ceramic Plates.

Murals, 6 panels designed and carved in raw-brick, Leslie Boyd Library TWR.

Three months at the Cite; Artist in Residence.  Preparatory pen drawings. 

“Africa Erotica show”, Artists Co-operative, Midrand.
Group Ceramic Exhibition, Linda Goodman.
 FNB Ceramic Biennale, (APSA) Sandton Gallery

 Solo exhibition, exhibition Sandton Civic Art Gallery.
“Nearer than Bronze” Group Exhibition, Ceramic paper incorporating preparatory ballpoint drawings. (Transfers) & Gallery, Cape Town; Group Exhibition. Transfer Designs Tableware.
Paper Exhibition: Sandton Civic Art Gallery curator Peter Schutz - Group Exhibition.
APSA International Ceramic Biennale Sandton Civic Art Gallery Merit Award Winner.
Gallery on the Bay, Durban: Group Exhibition.
Gallery Elsbeth Burkhalter: Group Exhibition

 SA Jewellery Council Collection Awards Exhibition, Gallagher Estate. Finalist 
 Coordinator of Ceramic Exhibition @ Rau Gallery (The Long Road to…) and exhibitor. 

OppitafelExhibition III”at the Artspace - Group Exhibition.
“Homage to Nesta Nala”– jointly curated exhibition at FADA Art Gallery. Univ. of JHB.

Gallery Tompson - Group Exhibition.
“OppitafelExhibition at the Artspace - Group Exhibition.
2009 Decorex, Ceramics SA stand exhibitor. Group Exhibition.
2009 Objekt, Convergence- 4 person Group exhibition.
2009 Ceramics SA Gauteng Craft and Design Centre Sandton. Group Exhibition .
2009  FADA Staff exhibition, Practice-led Research Curated Exhibition.
2009 Glazecor Ceramics SA Regional Awards exhibition. Clay Pot Award.
2010 iStore Sandton, SA Inspired Exhibition. Group exhibition.
2010 Art with a Pulse exhibition at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Group exhibition. England.
2010 Ceramics Alumni UJ Exhibition at FADA Gallery coordinator and exhibitor - Group exhibition. Projected animation onto a Ceramic Installation titled, Infectious.
2010 Ceramics Southern Africa, Ultra-Furn Regional exhibition at Museum Africa - Johannesburg, ceramic installation with projected animation titled, Woe-man
2011 Collaborations/articulations, staff exhibition at FADA Gallery UJ, Ceramic installation with projected animation titled, and the ship sails on.
2012  Solo Exhibition, launch of DVD titled,….and the ship sails on…and applied works of art and design. Elegance Jewellers, Melrose Arch.
2014  2014 TAIWAN Ceramics Biennale, New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum. …..and the ship sails on…Ceramic Installation with digital projection of ballpoint pen renderings. Digital materialities section. 
 2014  Group Exhibition. Read, Peep Reap, The Book Arts: Artist’s Books Exhibition, Art on Paper. Stanley 44. 
2016   2016 Ceramics SA Biennale, University of Johannesburg Art Gallery.    Manufraction; Ceramic shard as vessel. Participating artist and curator.
2017  SAContemporary Artist’s Books curated exhibition at FADA Gallery, Read, Peep, Reap – artist book installation.
2018  Group Exhibition. 100% Clay at Decorex Cape Town. Refuse ceramic installation of digitally printed ceramic transfers of my ballpoint pen drawing of a barn swallow on ready-mades. By Invitation. 
2018  CSA Regional Group exhibition. Refuse ceramic installation of digitally printed ceramic transfers of my ballpoint pen drawing of a barn swallow on ready-mades.

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