Burned Again.CH.4. Industrial Porcelain, (Royal Copenhagen) wood fire 16x16x25 cm. In Dust Real, Photo Sebastian Zimmer.
Marek Cecula is an ever evolving, conspiring, ceramic conceptualist. His knowledge of ceramic art, craft and design history including traditions (craft forms) empowers him to create artefacts that sit transgressively in between ceramic disciplines. He embraces the ceramic discourse and translates mundane ceramic products into cutting edge artefacts of mainstream cultural significance, the gestalt of which elevates this ceramist far beyond that of any of his ceramic peers.
Transformation. RC, 9. Industrial Porcelain, (Royal Copenhagen) wood fire 38x38x43 cm. In Dust Real, Photo Sebastian Zimmer.
His ceramic statements are metaphors for ceramic change and even challenges consumer values. But more importantly these products are imbued with significance that challenges our notion of the role of the artefact within an ever changing globalised society. He does so at a time when the very fundamentals of studio ceramics and craft traditions are being questioned, challenged and metaphorically speaking, sadly buried. It is in the design and development of his work titled in dust real that his conceptual insight is exemplified (revolutionary) and the body of work attains an archetypal status yet to be fully understood and or appreciated in the wider context of mainstream art.
Burn Again CM. 1. Industrial Porcelain, (Royal Copenhagen) wood fire 22x12x10 cm. In Dust Real, Photo Sebastian Zimmer.
Transformation. RC, 13. Industrial Porcelain, (Royal Copenhagen) wood fire, 70x30x28 cm. In Dust Real, Photo Sebastian Zimmer.
What turns out?