Final Pair, Sgraffito and painting technique step by step.
Below is a step by step account of the sgraffito technique of the rat on the left. I use paper cutouts of the symbols and insignia to trace the designs onto the surface before painting the base colour over the entire body of the rat. Once the rat is painted there is really no room for error. One needs to work quickly because the base colour is drying (surface to brittle to carve - due to the binder in the Amaco under glaze colour). There is a high shrinkage (1220 degrees celsius) and the designs are therefore much more refined. See previous post entry (image) for the fired surface quality.
They are just getting better and better! What can I say.
great to see the order of the procedure... that "no going back" aspect of sgraffito is what i love and what i hate about it.
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